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Is it possible to create a corner for the kitchen in the garden or on the balcony? Yes it is!

Fresh and fragrant herbs always available to enrich dishes, picking the ready-made essences at the last minute is a pleasure for the palate.

Having a space to create your own personal herbarium is rewarding.
Aromatic plants are generally not very demanding, they can give color and scent as well as being usable in the kitchen for various aims: from marinating to decoration to infusions with all the charac-teristics that change from essence to essence.

A recent use of aromatic plants combined with bloomings is improving many flower beds and bal-conies by exploiting the ductility of the different varieties.

The flowers of aromatic herbs are edible and can be used in the kitchen with great delicacy and el-egance both for flavoring and for decoration.

Our selection of flavours produced in Italy is wider every year thanks to the collaboration with more producers to have a range that satisfies enthusiasts and chefs.
In particular the many varieties of Basil and Mint have been very successful thanks to the colours, scents and tastes that adapt to multiple uses and variations.

Our customers’ requests and suggestions together with our desire for innovation drive us to look for and find forgotten varieties or unobtainable novelties.
Sometimes we even start from the seed and we directly produce the plants with Vigorplant brand organic soil.

Would you like to know more? Click here to visit the Top Soils and Fertilizers page

Taking the pleasure of growing 0 km products to bring onto your table? Why not?
A simple corner in the garden or a few vases on the balcony is enough to pick up some lettuce or some cherry tomatoes.

The vast choice of vegetable seedling available according to the season are selected and rigorously Produced in the province of Cuneo without the use of GMOs and chemical retardants by our part-ners Vivai Verbene under our supervision.

Our customers’ requests and suggestions together with our desire for innovation drive us to look for and find forgotten varieties or unobtainable novelties.
Sometimes we even start from the seed and we directly produce the plants with Vigorplant brand organic soil.

Soils we recommend for Aromatic and Vegetables plants are:

  • Bioton
  • Aromatiche
  • Piccoli Frutti (for Small Fruits such as Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries etc.)
  • Nutro con Stallatico (soil preparation)
  • Stallatico Micro Pellettato (soil preparation)
  • Humus di Lombrico (soil preparation)

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